Herculean Donut in Mural

I’m a huge fan of the Herculean Donut game after being introduced to it by a fellow agilist some years ago whilst working at the BBC: https://www.tastycupcakes.org/2013/02/the-herculean-doughnut/
Though I’ve yet to manage to prioritise co-ordinating synchronised snack delivery to coincide with running the game virtually, it continues to be a great to prompt discussions amongst teams on where different activity flavours can find their home within a Scrum team.
After 2 years I was reminded I’d left a Google Drawing version floating around the interweb. For those interested here’s a Mural version I’ve made ample use of during 2020: https://app.mural.co/template/76cafd9c-0f1a-4b64-983b-8132763544d9/5761c826-ad1f-4334-8d1e-91d59ef2a385